Jun 10, 2012

Wild Summer Days

Days of gray rainclouds suddenly giving way to blue skies and numerous white clouds (praise God!).

Days of spinning, swaying, and feeling the cool rush of the wind (aka tire swinging).

Days of homemade slides and see-saws.

Days of all-natural, no-preservatives-added salad stew lovingly prepared by a five-year-old and a six-year old (with the help of a few others).

Days of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies (even the failed ones).

Days of either running, biking, golfing, promenading, or rolling across vast, open spaces (sometimes singing a la Sound of Music).

Ah, these wild summer days!

{Images (c) Hannah G.}
{P.S. Terribly sorry for the low-quality, overloaded-with-vintage-effects photos. They don't do the subjects justice at all! Nevertheless, they were the products of  "capturing the moments" despite the lack of a DSLR.}
{P.P.S I know this post is rather bland. Sorry for that as well! Final exams are coming up, and they are befuddling my brain. I'll try to write better posts during the summer!}


  1. I haven't ridden a homemade seesaw for years.
    Oh wow! I seriously used to make weed soups and concoctions every spring and summer. ALL THE TIME. Lol. =D

    1. It was only a few days ago when I first tried homemade slides/seesaws. Oh, the fun I was missing! Haha! I used to make plant soup when I was younger too, only I mostly used grass. :))

  2. Lovely, just lovely! I admire how you captured the summer days through your pictures. They look wonderful, by the way, even if they are not high quality. And all the things you've been doing seems like such fun!

  3. love that first photo! ah, i love summer. you definitely show it's loveliness through your photos on here :)


Thank you so, so much for your encouraging words! I hope your day is as awesome as you are. c: